Announcing the Data Across Scales Conference

For the past months, I have been working together with a group of like-minded doctoral fellows in the organization of a conference around the role data plays in the current design context.

We are very happy to announce the Data Across Scales: Reshaping Design conference, which will be taking place next April 16-17 2015 at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. The conference will bring together design researchers and practitioners, inquiring into the role of ‘data’ in design and how it is steering its practice across all scales.

With the rapid increase of information technologies in our personal and professional lives, we produce, share, collect, archive, use and misuse, consciously or unconsciously an immense amount of data. This burst of data production and collection has already had a profound impact on the way we organise ourselves as a community. It drastically changes the way in which we conceive, materialize and experience designs and the physical world. These on-going transformations have permeated all layers of social debates including issues of openness, transparency and civil participation.

The conference will comprise four panels, “Data-driven design”, “Programming the physical world”, “Urban design and big data” and “Open data and civic media”, and a poster session that aim to reveal and discuss how the accessibility and processing of ‘data’ is shifting the design practices.

Data_Across_Scales_posterDownload poster PDF here

We are very fortunate to count with an impressive rooster of speakers, panelists and poster presenters, including:

  • Michael Hansmeyer, Benjamin Dillenburger
  • Paul Keel, Jeffrey Huang, Jianxi Luo, Patrick Winston
  • Panagiotis Michalatos
  • Mario Carpo
  • Jessica Rosenkrantz
  • Alma Steingart
  • Gentiane Venture
  • Andrew Witt
  • Andrea L. M. Hansen
  • Dietmar Offenhuber
  • Etienne Turpin
  • Edith Ackermann
  • Rahul Bhargava, Emily Bhargava
  • Sarah Dickinson, Janina Mueller, Inés Zalduendo
  • Alan Wiig
  • Ali Farzaneh
  • Walter Langelaar
  • Yannis Orfanos
  • Keisuke Yoshida, Mikiya Takei, Shiro Matsushima
  • Andreas Rufer

The conference will be hosted by the Doctor of Design program and the School itself, with the kind help of our supporters the GSD Loeb Library, the GSD Critical Digital group, Swissnex Boston and ArchDaily.

Conference chairs are:

It is going to be an outstanding opportunity to be part of this global discussion. Make sure to follow the updates on our Website, Facebook page and Twitter.