ontology.js is an open source library to inquire the nature of JavaScript objects.
ontology.js is a mighty, yet lightweight library to inquire about the nature of being in JavaScript objects. It provides a clean API of chained lexical methods for data type checks, property checks and equality comparators.
You can read more about the origins of ontology.js in this blog post,
Download the latest stable version from the distribution folder or fork the project on github. Feel free to add feature requests to the wishlist.
ontology.js adds some group methods to your global scope:
is(obj); // for queries at object level (single objects) are(objs); // for queries at array level (arrays of objects) has(obj); // for queries on object properties have(objs); // for queries on object properties at array level
These objects return a scoped selection that can be further queried with chained methods, returning the evaluated expression:
is(10000).type('number'); // true is('foo').type('boolean'); // false are([-1, 1]).types('number'); // true are([true, 'foo']).types('string'); // false has({foo: true}).property('foo'); // true has({foo: true}).property('bar'); // false have([{foo: 1}, {foo: 2}]).property('foo'); // true have([{foo: 1}, {bar: 2}]).property('foo'); // false
And this is pretty much it. The rest you can figure out from the following examples. The tests.js file is also a very good resource to view detailed implementation examples.
// Generic type check, passing data type as string representation is(null).type('null'); // true is(undefined).type('undefined'); // true is(NaN).type('nan'); // true is(true).type('boolean'); // true is(0).type('number'); // true is(function(){}).type('function'); // true is('foo').type('string'); // true is([]).type('array'); // true is({}).type('object'); // true // Is object a PRIMITIVE type? This means string, number, boolean, null or undefined // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Primitive is(1000).primitive(); // true is([1, 2]).primitive(); // false, arrays are not considered primitive objects // Is object type NOT ...? is('foo').notType('number'); // true is({a:5}).notType('object'); // false // Is object type EITHER of these ...? is([]).either('array', 'object'); // true is(NaN).either('null', 'undefined'); // false // Is object type NEITHER of these ...? is([]).neither('array', 'object'); // false is(NaN).neither('null', 'undefined'); // true // Is object equal to ...? Implements native equality '==' behavior with type conversion is(1).equal('1'); // true is(null).equal(undefined); // true // Is object not equal to ...? Implements native inequality '!=' behavior with type conversion is(1).notEqual('1'); // false is(null).notEqual(undefined); // false // Is object identical to ...? Implements strict equality '===' with no type conversion is(1).identical('1'); // false is(null).identical(undefined); // false // Is object not identical to ...? Implements strict inequality '!==' with no type conversion is(1).notIdentical('1'); // true is(null).notIdentical(undefined); // true // Is object deeply strict equal to ...? Compares and matches ownProperties is({a: 5, b: 7}) .deepIdentical({a: 5, b: 7}); // true is({a: 5, c: true}) .deepIdentical({a: 5, c: 1}); // false // Generic type checks for arrays of objects are([-1, 1]).type('number'); // true are([true, 'foo']).type('string'); // false // Primitive type checks for arrays of objects are([true, 'foo']).primitives(); // true are([100, {a: 5}]).primitives(); // false // Is no single object of type ...? are([true, 'foo']).notType('number'); // true are([true, 'foo']).notType('string'); // false // Is each object of any of the specified types? are([true, 'foo']).either('string', 'boolean'); // true are([true, 'foo']).either('number', 'boolean'); // false // Is no single object of any of the specified types? are([[], {}]).neither('string', 'boolean'); // true are([true, 'foo']).neither('number', 'boolean'); // false // Is every object equal ...? are([1, 2, 3]).equal([true, '2', 3]); // true are([1, 2]).equal([1, 2, 3]); // false, arrays have different lengths // Is any object not equal ...? are([1, 2, 3]).notEqual([true, '2', 3]); // false are([1, 2]).notEqual([1, 2, 3]); // true // Is every object identical ...? are([1, 2, 3]).identical([true, '2', 3]); // false are([1, 2]).identical([1, 2, 3]); // false, arrays have different lengths // Is any object not identical ...? are([1, 2, 3]).notIdentical([true, '2', 3]); // false are([1, 2]).notIdentical([1, 2, 3]); // false, arrays have different lengths // Is every object deeply identical? are([{a: 5}, {b: false}]) .deepIdentical([{a: 5}, {b: 0}]); // false // Has object ownProperty? has({a: 0}).property('a'); // true has([0, 1]).property('length'); // true // Has each object this ownProperty? have([{a:5}, {a:7}]).prop('a'); // true have([{a:5}, {b:7}]).prop('a'); // false